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★Monday, June 18, 2007

i'll not post the whole camp here, but just some highlights of the camp(:

The PT on the first day, I ponned :D But I had to do something else more important! Buy food for my patrol members! (: But still, Charlene and I had to race against time to finish buying food. So we were running for our dear lives to reach school in time! Alas! We made it right on the dot xD Saw our other COY-mates PT-ing there and felt quite sorry for them. Hurr. We left $6 + to buy food, and yet we didn't even buy fruits. We were like -grrrrr-

Then Night Trail, I was quite suay, cause I like kena-ed 3 times -.- First station we went was the basketball court one, not scary! Luckily we were the first patrol there, cause we had to use our mouths to pick up sweets :B Hah. The bloody child almost dropped on Nienping and she screamed. Haha. Next. Mirror beside Band Room (: Had to find mirrors and memorise, read out to Rachel and Xunmin. Poseidon won...

Kena No.1- I think we went to the sister's bridge, where jun and may were. Nerice picked this DARE, and May chose me -.- I was made to be the first to walk up the stairs connecting upp and lower concourse so may&jun screamed to freak me/us out. Fell for it. Damn freaked out. Next. The gym mirror there was damn dark, I had to follow them and draw sth on the mirror. Thought something was going to pop out or sth. Haha. Yeah nothing happened eventually. Hurrr.

Kena No.2- Quad, Jiayin and Liudi's station, I was the human flesh, placed right in the middle :\\ Patrol mates were supposed to carry me to Jiayin -.- Like it's me again man.

Kena No.3- Peacock Area. Rachel Ng & someone else was there. Was made to go look for it the first. again. Hurr. -.- Was pretty nervous at first, cause the whole place was dark and I was scared someone/thing was gna pop out once I turn the corner. Haha. Yeah. Soon the whole patrol were looking already lah. Hurr.


Signature table prep was tedious. Me and adeline were pasting stars, and doctoring them. Hurr. At the same time, slack under the shade. Haha. Then, Ushers. Only had a superly rushed dinner, around 10 mins only and rushed to father barre :\\ It was tiring, leading people from one end of the school to the other -.- Blah. Then went to the campfire site, was rather dead cause all I could think of was bathe and sleep. Hurr. Yeah. Then cleared up and everything, took up the stars till I wanted to crawl on the floor man. So did adeline. Hurr. Then the scouts were like being so total *e*ks. Grrah. Yeah. [: LIGHTS OUT AT 11.40PM! [:


Striking of tent. Hmm, went pretty well, only had 4 people striking but that's okay(: Was among the first to air our tent and fly sheet! -YAY!- But we were quite slow in washing the poles, nevermind(: Yeah. Then sat around and uhm, rest and hydrated ourselves:D Farewell was pretty much interesting, 'cept that it was quite touching, so much so that I wanted to cry. But i'm alright now! trust me. xD Manito game was kinda messy, cause the circle couldn't be formed and nevermind(: we had fun. Sarah was my "angel", like OMG. SO surprising xD Okay, nevermind. Promotion. Blah. Refer to the previous post :D END OF CAMP! (:

3:42 PM

★Sunday, June 17, 2007

It's kinda difficult for me to say goodbye to flowerpeck, cause it's like we've already known each other quite well, esp gwyneth and wanyee. I know many will tell me that "HEY! AT LEAST YOU GOT PROMOTED!" or something like that, I really will enjoy and jiayou in my new patrol! :D Don't worry. And since Jun and Rachel both think that this is the best way for me to um further stretch my potential, why not? I trust my seniors and if they think that's the best, so why should I feel sad? Afterall, I still can get to see flowerpeck in school everyday, and the sec fours too! (:

When Hilda was about to announce the PS of Orchid Patrol, I knew it was going to be me, cause she was like staring at me :\\ I squealed and like hugged wanyee's hand super tightly before hugging rachel and jun. They kept saying sorry, but as I said, it's okay, as long as you think that's good for me(:

There's seriously no reason to cry, cause I know I'm lucky enough to have Ethel and YingQi with me, so Peckers must stay strong, even without the 3 of us missing:\ But hey! the three of us, YingQi, KahWei and I still have the right to attend patrol meeting right? Yeah I know you won't deny us from attending patrol meetings, outings and patrol tee! ;D

A sec one in Orchid asked me like "Elissa, do you know what patrol are we?" I was like, laughing and crying at the same time, I shrugged and asked ethel. She burst out laughing with tears too, then she was like "Orchid!" Haha. Then I forgot, I think Siyun and her P.S laughed too :D Haha. So Malu. But it was okay, cause it really livened up our spirits then. (:

Yeah, I love flowerpeck, I love gwyneth and wanyee, and the 3 little ducklings will never be complete without me. So gwyneth and wanyee, you better include me when you make presents! (:

PECK! ((:

10:24 AM

I can't believe I slept 13 hours from 5.10am till now. Haha. I think I'ld just thank people here first, instead of telling everyone about camp(: Here goes!

Louisa; I think for the first 2 days of camp, I'ld be like.. totally lost so yeah. Haha, OH! We haven't returned you money for the poncho. And then, are there extra money in patrol fund huh? Heh :D

Adeline Ho; Omg Adeline:D We're sorta the closest in Sig Table and we were like pasting stars, pasting RED CARPET and doctoring the stars:D And I'll never forget PERFECT STAR! (: Ah, I'll never forget your jokes and guides own, where we wrote to each other instead of you to other people :D And the stupid sc**** who threw YOUR stars around and they asked stupid questions at the ave 2 gate:D Hahah! And we picked the stars till we almost wanted to crawl ;D Love you loads adeline(:

Rachel & Jun; I'll miss you people loads, and I know you'll surely come back for patrol meeting, cos if not, patrol meeting will be -silence-. ;DD And I know you transfered me for my own good(: Well, if you say that, what's there to be sad about? Like I'll surely go back for patrol meeting and outings NO MATTER WHAT (: Jun! Last year during enrolment, the 4 of us were like mother and the 3 ducklings:D And the whatever "secret outing" you thought when we brought the secones to buy uniform xDD But nevermind, due to the uncanny coincidence, I'll surely meet you again, outisde :D haha.

Jolyn; I'll miss you tooo! And you were the first person to help me tie my scarf properly when I wore it for the first time for enrolment! (: Thanks for your super bubbly personality, but I know you try not to show your the other side too much(: Uhm, Thanks for the big big hug, as well as the last yesterday(: <3 you!(:

Hilda; :D Thanks for everything! (: [too much to list!!] Haha.

Ahnee!; Mouse! Eh! Organise another BBQ at Castle Green again! (: Like Sept Holidays alright? Haha. I guess we realllyyy need it (: Andandand gwen will be blur like sotong if you don't tell her what to do alright! :D Haha.

Gwyneth: Ahh! Gwen! I'll never forget orchard, and the movie 666! The times we went out were superb and I'll never stop loving you(: Ps, don't laugh so loudly, it's unglam :D

Wanyee: THanks for the wellwishes, and I'lll never forget you and the "remember jun and us were 3 ducklings with a mother?!" thing. Hahah. Although you don't have a post, it's okay! Still can achieve PGA(: Love you Miss Tall-y (:

Sec Ones: I know you guys have been asking me a whole load of questions about camp, and I always try to answer back(: Yeah, hope you'll miss me, though I've only known you for 6 months(: Jiayou(:


Hey there Ego Partner!(: It's okay if you don't have a post! :D We have another 2 more dreams to fight for!(: Yes! Thanks for asking me to cheerup, jun sent me this really sweet sms i'll show you on monday(: And many many things I want to thank you for(: Sry I didnt write to u on guides own, cause I wanted to thank AHNEE and RACHEL&JUN. But you know I'll always love you. [:

Thanks for making camp, DA BOMB this year, and thanks FLOWERPECKERS, for making my life in FP these 2 years DA BOMB as well(: Just remember to make a patrol tee for me and, include me in everything you do!(:

<3, Elissa.

7:15 AM

★Wednesday, June 13, 2007

it's 17 hours more to CAMP ACTION! I don't exactly have 17 hours to prepare, minus the 8 hours sleeping time, minus 3 hours homework/computer/TV time and uhm, 3 hours not at home, which means i am only left with 3 hours to prepare. Oh crap.

Oh yes. I still need to go pick wood later. And I thought I could "forget" about it; Louisa sent so many sms-es to remind everyone to pick wood, I had to do it :\ Nevermind. Hurrr.

Camp Action; Godzilla ♡

1:12 PM

★Monday, June 11, 2007

okay! so it's the third week of holidays!
-gasps- one more week of holidays!

ohman. i realised the second week of holidays whizzed past me, everyday going to school, busy with pre-camp preparations and filming etc.
Yeah. Well, it also means half the holiday is gone.

I've got to!;;

.Finish revising for math review test on week 1
.Finish last few questions of mid years and food review.
.Camp Action!; 14-16June(:

Yeap. Know what. I'll probably come back from camp, posting a "I'm finally a P.S!" Whoosh! Kinda thing. Hurhur. Read Xinhui's motivational post about not getting a position and blahblahblah. Totally agreed! (: I'm a ego person okay! :D Hurhur.

I'm really excited about camp this year, dreading the packing and pitching tent part. Haha.

And Wilson Thong is going to perform tonight :D Oh. And my brother just created a blog. Like wth. But you can go see and tag though, haha. And he'll kill me if he doesn't have any taggers. So please, do a good deed today! Darren; my brother

Yeah. So, go tagg!


jaNICE; yes we shall! ROCK ON GODZILLA! <3
xiumin; yes mortal, linked! haha. i bet u had a great trip in beijing! <3!

10:55 AM

★Saturday, June 9, 2007

Went to United Square really early, like at 12.50pm when my lesson was at 2.30pm. Parents had to attend wedding lunch. Hurhur. Didn't really know what to do, then I walked reaallyy slowlyy to Popular to get my fullscap and walk around. There was like an hour more, so walked slowly to macs again to have my lunch (:
Bought 6pc Nuggets Meal, and apparently I finished it (usually I'ld leave 2 behind)! :D The most amazing thing is that I actually completed my Learning Lab Homework. Like Wooohoo! :D

Then I finished at 2pm, walked real slowly to Popular again, like that's the best place in United Square uh. Yeah. Until 2.30pm, I went to class! :D Haha.
Lesson was hilarious, laughed I think 1/4 more than usual. Hurhur. Yeap. There were obviously MCPs in the class -.- Hah!. Like OMG. We were talking about Car-pooling, and then I realised that 4 people in the class actually stay in the same area:

Brendan Tan; Lentor Ville
JingWen; Lentor ___
Bernice; Upp Thomson
ME; Opp Lentor, in front of Upp Thomson :D Heh.

Hahah. Yeap. I needn't do the speech next week! :D CAMP ACTION HURRR! :D


jolene: uh-huh. Can you see the relation between No. 10 and me? No right? Volcanoe's opening is like gigantic, look at me. :\\
renee: hahah. okay,. Guess what. I only did the BIRD HEAD. NOT ENOUGH FELT! Uh, can right? Hahah. But I think it's cute (without looking at the drawings there), it's disgusting WITH the eye and wings ): Adeline talks rubbish. Hurhur.
angel: Yeah so evil right! I'ld better not let it happen to me. Hahah. Cause marching is an important part of my SECONDARY LIFE! HAHAH.
pris: Bought toiletry bag? GREEN? Hahahah. Green freak. LEO is some stupid guy I dont know who. I deleted his tag :D Hahah. Spammer shiz.

9:16 PM



EXAMS; my hair-pulling nightmare.
a smiling orchid 160607 & cute xD



hit counter since 1st June:D


DARREN; my brother
Evil Creature
Adeline Ho